Our Services

Funeral & Memorials

Member of the Kern County Funeral Directors Association

Bob West Video is the leader in producing discrete professional photo Montage Video tribute and funeral videos. To date he has produced over 1500 Video Tributes.

A photo-montage with 30-100 photo(s) of your loved one set to your music to highlight the best memories shared by family & friends. This Video can be shared at Funeral Homes, Churches or as a keepsake for the entire family.

Video Biographies

Your Biography Your Story Don’t let your family stories fade away

Everyone knows a storyteller. Perhaps it’s YOU. Or maybe it’s a family member. Don’t you love hearing them tell their stories, in their own unique and wonderful way. Shouldn’t future generations be able to enjoy these life stories too? Now you can keep loved ones “alive” by preserving personality, voice and expressions.

Biography session can be as simple as a one hour one camera shoot with a family member or friend asking questions or to a more detailed multi camera shoot with a professional interviewer. Its your choice.


Because ‘events’ tend to be once in a lifetime occasions it is best to invest your trust in someone you know will document every pivotal moment of this momentous event. Bob West Video will provide you with the opportunity to relive this special event allowing you to experience again the joy you first felt.

We Specialize in the following:

Dance Recitals​
Music Concerts
Retirements & More

Legal Video

Central California’s Premier Certified Legal Videographer

The video recording of vital information by a professional disinterested third party is the preferred and most effective method of preserving testimony or visual information when building or defending a successful case.

Bob West has been a Certified Court Video Specialist ( since 2009 ).

Photo Montages

Anniversaries , Birthdays , Friends Growing up, Mother & Fathers Day and Retirements.

Gather your cherished photographs and we will bring them to life with movement and music by creating a custom DVD to give or to share with family and friends. These emotion-packed works of art are the perfect choice for any special event. They can even be uploaded to the web or compressed to a mp4. on a Flash Drive.

Photo Montages touch people where it counts…in the heart. They allow you to share wonderful memories by combining family photographs with music.

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